ASMDA 2013
25 - 28 June 2013 Mataró (Barcelona) Spain

ASMDA-2013 Important Dates and Deadlines of the Conference

Abstracts, Regular Papers and Special and Invited Sessions:

  • 31 March 2013 (NEW): submission of abstracts*,
    extended abstracts or regular papers (up to 8 pages), posters and proposals for special and invited sessions.

    After the deadline submissions should be addressed to the Conference Committee as late registration at


    • (To give a talk or present a poster only an abstract accepted is compulsory).
    • Notification of acceptance: 3 weeks after submission


    • March, 31, 2013: final version of the paper

    • *The abstracts submitted and accepted will be included in the Abstracts Volume. All submitted and accepted papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings.


        Special and Invited Sessions:

      After acceptance of the proposal, each promoter of the session
      will be responsible for his/her session (including the review
      process of the papers of his/her session; 4 - 5 papers per session) and will
      chair it. 

      ASMDA2013 Conference:
    • 25 - 28 June, 2013

    • Further Information