ASMDA 2019


Florence, Italy

The 19th Conference of the Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Society ASMDA2021 and


1 - 4 June 2021, Athens, Greece

The 18th Conference of the Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Society and


11 - 14 June 2019, Florence, Italy (Grand Hotel Adriatico)

 Proceedings ASMDA2019 - Demographics2019 

Welcome to the 18th conference of the Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA2019) International Society and the Demographics2019 Workshop. The 18th ASMDA conference will focus on new trends in theory, applications and software of Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis.


The ASMDA 2019 will take place in Florence, Italy, from the 11th to the 14th of June, 2019 at Grand Hotel Adriatico.


Particular interest will be given to interesting applications in engineering, productions and services (maintenance, reliability, planning and control, quality control, finance, insurance, management and administration, inventory and logistics, marketing, environment, human resources, biotechnology, medicine).

Deadline for the Abstract Submission: January 30, 2019 (EXTENDED). After the deadline Abstracts should be sent to as LATE SUBMISSIONS

Poster SMTDA2020 & Demographics2020




 Deadline for the Abstract Submission: January 30, 2019 (EXTENDED).
After the deadline Abstracts should be sent to as LATE SUBMISSIONS

    Abstracts may be submitted via internet using either online submission module or email ( You can also submit your Abstracts at the following electronic submission webpage: 

Note that the paper submission is not compulsory for the presentation. Only the Abstract is.

Abstracts should be prepared in English. Title should be short, explanatory and not more than 10 words. Authors’ names, surnames, institutes, addresses, and e-mail addresses should be mentioned on the “Authors’ Part”. Abstract text may not be longer than one page following the Paper Template in Word format (see below).
    The authors should select the main categories as listed:
        a) Invited session
        b) Contributed session

        c) Poster session

    Announcement for the Abstract Acceptance: three weeks after submission. Invited papers will receive a typical acceptance notification since invited session organizers are responsible.


    The abstracts submitted and accepted will be included in the Book of Abstracts. Registration is required for publication of the abstracts in the abstract book.


Paper Submission (Contributed and Invited Papers/Posters):

    March, 30, 2019: Final version of the paper.

    Papers may be submitted via internet using email (send your paper as an attachment to


Please submit your Paper by following the Conference Template either in Latex or Word Format (see at).